Sorry to say, but there are quite a lot of things wrong with your code...
- You are mixing combinatorial and sequential code in the same process, which is poor coding style. If coded correctly, there really is no need for the variable R_temp.
- The sensitivity list is a simulation aid only, yet you are trying to use it as a conditional (when inc changes, increment R). This will not work in hardware. When starting out with VHDL, my suggestion is to use VHDL_2008 and always use process(all) as the sensitivity list. This avoids beginner errors, since it reflects what synthesis does.
- You are creating a combinatorial loop in the second process. This will not show up in simulation because of 2. above, but will cause errors in synthesis.
- As already mentioned by baldyHDL, you are assigning to R in multiple processes.
- Prefer unsigned to std_logic_vector when dealing with numbers. Generally you should not include std_logic_arith, nor std_logic_unsigned, just std_logic_1164 and numeric_std.
- Adding a std_logic value (such as '1') is not standard, or at least not supported by all tools. Simply use an integer instead:
R <= R + 1;
By your code, I gather that you are trying to write a counter with increment, load and clear signals. I don't just want to give you the code (that would ruin the learning experience for you), but try to fit the entire counter into a single process, using the following template:
process(clk) begin
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
-- Your code here vvv
if(clr = '1') then
elsif(ld = '1') then
elsif(inc = '1') then
end if;
-- Your code here ^^^
end if;
end process;
Best Answer
2 years ago
-- entity part contain R for output of Register
-- it have to parallel process
--my error in this step
--main process (reg) work correctly --but other process have error by adding 1.