An important rule is "be humble." Recognize that your interpretation is likely to be wrong and certain to be incomplete. Be open to letting Holy Scripture change you.
A related rule is to study and interpret Holy Scripture in the company of others. You can gather in the flesh, and you can study in the company of scholars by reading their books.
Be as aware as you can of your own prejudices and spiritual blind spots as you engage with scripture.
Avoid using short "proof texts" and single translations. The more important the conclusion you draw from Holy Scripture, the broader the textual support you should enlist for your conclusion. Sometimes the one word that's most important to you doesn't mean precisely what you hope it means.
Let scripture fill you with joy.
Best Answer
2 years ago
It seems that a lot of misunderstanding of the Bible comes from scripture being taken out of context. What are some other rules or guidelines for taking a literal or first interpretation (like 'Jesus wept'), or figurative or second interpretation (like most of Revelations)?