I am fairly sure YouTube uses some form of machine learning for this, but I can think of a few methods they might use here to aid in combating bots:
- Tracking the IP address
- Tracking mouse movement and activities to ensure you are a real human (like the CAPTCHA's that "automatically" sign you in)
- Tracking behavior from cookies from other services and checking whether you are following an existing pattern or not
- Other hidden methods
Google doesn't openly publish things like these (as a simple Google search would show), but we can make educated guesses as to how they could do it.
Best Answer
2 years ago
View bots seem like relatively simple to make programs that I think could allow someone to get like 30 cents for each 30 second ad which is $36 per hour of easy money. Does Youtube have a defense against this like a Captcha or something? With machine learning Captchas I believe can be solved even.