What's wrong with Dr Seuss he asked?
To find an answer, I've been tasked.
His books on cats are widely read,
In libraries, schools, or just in bed.
Is it because he writes such blubber
that turns a child's tongue into rubber?
Nonsense words and silly rhymes
Confusing children at bedtimes.
Or maybe it's the politics
Of chicks on blocks and clocks on bricks?
Perhaps they're reading too much in
To books designed to make kids grin?
Maybe they didn't have enough
Of Seuss' funny childrens' stuff?
It gave them hurty-wurty brains
To read that book "again, again"!
Dr Seuss, the politician?
The silly rhymes? The repetition?
I've always thought these books were fun.
I don't know why; go ask your mum!
Best Answer
2 years ago
Our toddler is about the right age to start enjoying Dr Seuss books, and I don't see anything wrong with them (I had one as a child which I loved). But my own mother (despite this) hates them, and so does my partner's mother (who's a speech therapist).
So what's wrong with Dr Seuss? Is there a concern that these books inhibit speech or language development? Or are they just seen as too silly?