What are the agile testing methods? And what are the traditional testing methods?
There are no "Agile Testing Methods" by itself as such but only testing done in an Agile Environment. Even if they exist, you cannot use "Agile Testing Methods" successfully in a waterfall organisation - so you have your concepts a little wrong there.
Anyway to give you some constructive feedback, the testing functions may very well be the same like waterfall, but the following may be different in an Agile Environment:
atmosphere and culture would be more collaborative (more face to face interaction),
tester involvement would be early,
the Team would code to a test, rather than code first and then create a test plan,
you would be cross functional so you may have to write code or do requirements gathering, and you will work closely with the customer,
you would work in 2 - 4 week iterations,
you would continually improve your testing procedures
you will not have a QA/Testing department
your role will be a "Team member who has most Testing experience" rather than "Tester"
Traditional methods are mostly the exact opposites of the check list above, seriously.
Best Answer
2 years ago
What are the agile testing methods? And what are the traditional testing methods?