Since you indicate that the ' Testing primary task
section seems to work, but nothing after that seems to execute, I'd suggest that when you get here:
'Showing Local Status
LcSt = 0.1
If LcSt - PLcSt >= LsIn Then
this condition is false, so the code is never executed.
Then you get here:
' Highlighting erroneous cells (if not done during testing)
If ErrNr > 0 Then
End If
and there is no code to execute, no matter the value of ErrNr
Then you get here:
'Showing Local Status 100%
LcSt = 1
If LcSt - PLcSt >= LsIn Then
and it's still evaluating False
, so again it never executes.
Have you gone through in the debugger to look at the values and ensure everything is as you expect it to be?
Best Answer
2 years ago
I would like to solve the following testing problem. If there is an error i.e. (=1/0) in a cell, the additional tests will not run after that. I would like to know how to solve this issue in the testing primary task part.