What is the meaning of Pass in gujrati?

Gujrati Meanings Words Starting With P in Gujrati Meanings . 7 months ago

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  1. of advancing the ball by throwing it
  2. (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls
  3. (military) a written leave of absence
  4. (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate
  5. the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks
  6. any authorization to pass or go somewhere
  7. a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions
  8. a flight or run by an aircraft over a target
  9. a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs
  10. a difficult juncture
  11. one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer)
  12. you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent
  13. a permit to enter or leave a military installation
  14. a complementary (free) ticket
  15. a usually brief attempt
  16. (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
  17. success in satisfying a test or requirement
  18. go across or through
  19. pass by
  20. make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation
  21. place into the hands or custody of
  22. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
  23. travel past
  24. come to pass
  25. go unchallenged
  26. be approved
  27. pass (time) in a specific way
  28. guide or pass over something
  29. transmit information
  30. disappear gradually
  31. go successfully through a test or a selection process
  32. go beyond
  33. accept or judge as acceptable
  34. allow to go without comment or censure
  35. transfer to another
  36. of rights or property
  37. pass into a specified state or condition
  38. be identified, regarded, accepted, or mistaken for someone or something else
  39. as by denying one's own ancestry or background
  40. throw (a ball) to another player
  41. be inherited by
  42. cause to pass
  43. grant authorization or clearance for
  44. pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
  45. eliminate from the body
  46. उतीर्ण = examination She got a pass in French.
  47. हस्तकौशल = mas marism the conjuror made a few passes with his hand over the hat.
  48. अनुमतिपत्र = check All visitors must show their passes before entering the building./ The media representatives had special passes.
  49. प्रवेश पत्र = document All visitors must show their pass before entering in the building.
  50. नाज़ुक हालत = situation the economic situation has come to a dreadful pass.
  51. सफलता = success get a pass in French.
  52. पास = ticket two passes to a concert.
  53. दर्रा = way The pass was blocked by snow.
  54. उतीर्ण = examination She got a pass in French.
  55. पास = football a long pass to the half back.
  56. गुजरना = human go by, place we passed through oxford on our way to London.
  57. गुजारना = human spend life they passed their life happily.
  58. गुजारना = human spend time he passed his free time in reading philosophical books.
  59. पाश देना = human ball he passed the ball to the winger.
  60. आगे निकल जाना = human She passed me in the street without even saying hello.
  61. आगे बढना = vehicle advance the street was so crowded that cars were unable to pass.
  62. छोड़कर आगे बढ़ जाना = vehicle overtake a car passed me at 90 mph on the motorway.
  63. उत्तीर्ण होना = fail, event you'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam.
  64. छोड़कर आगे बढना = be overlooked pass the preface and go on to the text.
  65. घटित होना = happen what passed when I was on vacation
  66. एक ओर छोड़ना = keepaside turn right after passing the Post office.
  67. बिताना = spend time he decided to pass a year abroad improving his grammar.
  68. पास करना = accept The examiners passed all the candidate.
  69. पार करना = cross Turn right after passing the post office.
  70. चल बसना = die his father passed away.
  71. देना = give She passed the letter to Mary.
  72. खत्म होना = go away the head ache will pass in a minute.
  73. गुजर जाना = go by Six months passed,and we still had no news of them.
  74. पास से निकल जाना = go past a car passed me at 90 mph.
  75. गुजरना = go through to pass returning travellers through customs.
  76. पास करना = hit He passed the ball.
  77. ध्यान न देना = ignore he decided to let the insult pass.
  78. जारी करना = issue the mayar passed a degree in favour of the defending party
  79. निर्णय करना = judgement pass judgement.
  80. पास देना = kick He passed the ball to the Winger.
  81. पीछे छोड़् जाना = left I pass the church on my way to work.
  82. पास से गुजरना = march by to pass troops in review.
  83. आगे बढना = move forward The street was so crowd ed that cars were unable to pass.
  84. पास करना = move, farward please, pass the salt
  85. फेरना = move hand She passed her hand across her forehead.
  86. गुजरना = move past The procession passed slowly along the street.
  87. चलना = move the funeral procession passed slowly.
  88. आगे बढाना = put forward pass me that book.
  89. डालना = put pass a thread through the eye of a needle.
  90. पारित करना = sanction bill Congress passed the bill.
  91. स्वीकृति देना = sanction Government has finally passed the new tax bill.
  92. पास करना = say `What's the capital of Peru'`I'll have to pass on that one'.
  93. आलोचना करना = speak remark she passed a remark about every passerby.
  94. समय विताना = spent How did you pass the evening
  95. रुकना = stop They waited for the storm to pass.
  96. पास होना = succeed to pass an exam.
  97. गुजारना = undergo they passed the worst night of their lives.
  98. पारित करना = bill Congress passed the bill
  99. बहाना = blood If you are passing blood, you ought to see doctor.
  100. निर्णय देना = judgement to pass judgement without knowing the facts.
  101. लांघ जाना = mountain pass a mountain, barrier, checkpost etc.,
  102. फैलाना = news to pass rumors all over a naval base.
  103. हस्तांट्रित करना = property the property has been passed to king's nephew
  104. पार कर जाना = river pass a river.
  105. घुमाना = rope pass a rope round.
  106. निकलना = secret, lips not a secret passed from her lips.
  107. ले जाना = wire pass the wire on the electricity pole.
  108. निकलना = word, lips not a single word passed from her lips.
  109. उतीर्ण होना = examination, event Work hard if you want to pass.
  110. Passing, Pass, Base on balls, Walk, Passing play, Passing game, Passing, Mountain pass, Notch, Passport, Laissez passer, Strait, Straits, Head, Bye, Liberty chit, Crack, Fling, Go, Whirl, Offer, Toss, Flip, Qualifying, Go through, Go across, Travel by, Pass by, Surpass, Go past, Go by, Legislate, Elapse, Lapse, Slip by, Glide by, Slip away, Slide by, Go along, Hand, Reach, Pass on, Turn over, Give, Run, Lead, Extend, Overtake, Overhaul, Happen, Hap, Go on, Pass off, Occur, Fall out, Come about, Take place, Clear, Spend, Guide, Draw, Communicate, Put across, Evanesce, Fade, Blow over, Fleet, Make it, Exceed, Transcend, Overstep, Top, Sink, Fall, Return, Devolve, Make pass, Authorize, Authorise, Die, Decease, Perish, Exit, Pass away, Expire, Excrete, Egest, Eliminate
  111. Running, Failing, Fail, Be born

Posted on 02 Aug 2024, this text provides information on Gujrati Meanings related to Words Starting With P in Gujrati Meanings. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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