What is the meaning of भुला देना in English ?

Hindi-English Words Starting With भ in Hindi-English . 3 months ago

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भुला देना Translation:

• unlearning
• balk
• efface
• fail
• unteach
• drown
• forget
• unlearn
भुला    unteach
देना    administration legate commitment extradition
भुला देना Examples:
1.To forget a friend is sad .
एक मित्र को भुला देना बड़ा दुःखदायक है ।

2.Obvious for a while, yes. Now, key Democrats repudiate this insight and insist on a return to the pre-9 /11 dispensation. Doing so would amount to a momentous step backwards, however. This new kind of war involves criminality, to be sure, but it still is war. To unlearn the painful lesson of September 11 is a good way to lose that war. Further quotes from prominent Democrats : Harold Hongju Koh , Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law, Yale Law School: “[Bush] could have supported the International Criminal Court as a way of bringing the Osama bin Ladens and Saddam Husseins of the world to justice.” ( The Economist , October 30, 2003 )
ऐसा करने से हम कुछ समय के लिए फिर पीछे चले जाएंगे । इस नए प्रकार के युद्ध में आपराधिकता भी है परंतु तब भी यह युद्ध है । 11 सितंबर की पीड़ादायक शिक्षा को भुला देना निश्चय ही युद्ध को हारने का एक तरीका है ।

Posted on 24 Nov 2024, this text provides information on Hindi-English related to Words Starting With भ in Hindi-English. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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