What is the meaning of फालतू sentence in Hindi ?

Hindi-English Words Starting With फ in Hindi-English . 2 months ago

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फालतू" sentence in Hindi Examples:
11.John Rossoli, who wrote biography of Bentik, said that once there were rumors of Bentik auctioning the extra marble of the Agra Fort to increase the funds.
बैन्टिक के जीवनी लेखक जॉन रॉस्सोली ने कहा है कि एक कथा उडी़ थी जब बैन्टिक ने निधि बढा़ने हेतु आगरा के किले का फालतू संगमर्मर नीलाम किया था।

12.Bentinck's autobiogrpher, John Rosselli had said that there were rumours once, that Bentinck had auctioned the unused marble of the Agra Fort to add to his funds.
बैन्टिक के जीवनी लेखक जॉन रॉस्सोली ने कहा है कि एक कथा उडी़ थी जब बैन्टिक ने निधि बढा़ने हेतु आगरा के किले का फालतू संगमर्मर नीलाम किया था।

13.Though cockroaches live amid filth , they also , like the housefly , keep their body absolutely dirt-free and spend all their leisure hours on toilet .
हालांकि तिलचट्टे गंदगी में रहते हैं लेकिन घरेलू-मक़्खी की तरह अपने शरीर को मैल से नितांत मुक़्त रखते हैं और अपने फालतू समय को प्रसाधन में लगाते हैं .

14.There 's one variety played by executives as part of the bizarre code of corporate life , by bureaucrats with the clout to get into stuffy clubs and by retired folk with time on their hands .
इसे नौकरशाह भी खेलते हैं , ताकि नामी-गिरामी क्लबों में उनकी पै बन सके और सेवानिवृत्त लग खेलते हैं क्योंकि उनके पास फालतू वक्त काफी होता है .

15.I liked them but they seemed to be extraneous activities , my main function being reading and writing , and as you know to your cost I produced 1500 printed pages during my last term .
मुझे ये काम पसंद थे , लेकिन ये मुझे फालतू लगते थे , मेरा खास काम था पढ़ना और लिखना.तुम जानती ही हो कि तुम्हारे बहाने मैंने अपनी पिछली मियाद में 1500 छपे हुए पन्ने लिखे .

16.No comparable program exists in the war against militant Islam. (I define militant Islam as not Islam, not terrorism, but a terroristic reading of Islam). Fearful of being accused of “profiling,” law enforcement treads super gingerly around those who back this totalitarian ideology. Thus, the airline security system randomly harasses passengers instead of looking for travelers known to sympathize with the likes of Ayatollah Khomeini and Osama bin Laden. Immigration officials focus on superficial characteristics (nationality, criminal record) and ignore what is truly relevant (ideology).
प्रव्रजन अधिकारी भी लोगों की राष्ट्रीयता और आपराधिक रिकार्ड जैसी फालतू बातों पर ज्यादा ध्यान देते नजर आते है न कि लोगों की विचारधारा पर जो कि ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण और प्रासंगिक है।

Posted on 29 Nov 2024, this text provides information on Hindi-English related to Words Starting With फ in Hindi-English. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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