What is the meaning of मिलने का समय in English ?

Hindi-English Words Starting With म in Hindi-English . 1 month ago

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मिलने का समय Translation:

• visiting hours
का    presumably belonging to of by squander encode
समय    age length minute row session space start times
मिलने का समय Examples:
1.You can see a pharmacist without an appointment .
आप फार्मासिस्ट को मिलने का समय तय करने के बिना मिल सकते है

2.He was quite discourteous to him and gave him time for a meeting as late as 10 June 1943 .
उसने उनको बहुत समय बाद 10 जून 1943 को मिलने का समय देकर उनका अपमान सा किया .

3.At busy times of the day you may have to wait, but you can expect to be given an explanation for any delay and told when your prescription will be ready.
आप फार्मासिस्ट को मिलने का समय तय करने के बिना मिल सकते है |

4.You can also obtain the name and address or make an appointment to see your local County Councillor.
आप भी आपके स्थानिय कौन्टी प्रबंधक का नाम और पता या उसके साथ मिलने का समय निश्चित कर सकते है |

5.You can also obtain the name and address or make an appointment to see your local County Councillor .
आप आपके स्थानिय कौन्टी प्रबंधक का नाम और पता या उसके साथ मिलने का समय भी निश्चित कर सकते है |

6.You can also obtain the name and address or make an appointment to see your local County Councillor .
आप भी आपके स्थानिय कौन्टी प्रबंधक का नाम और पता या उसके साथ मिलने का समय निश्चित कर सकते है |भाष्;

Posted on 08 Dec 2024, this text provides information on Hindi-English related to Words Starting With म in Hindi-English. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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