What is the meaning of निशाना बनाना in English ?

Hindi-English Words Starting With न in Hindi-English . 3 months ago

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निशाना बनाना Translation:
• pick off
• swing
• aim
• train on
• train on
निशाना    aim cockshy shy tee shot bull target eye
बनाना    extrinsic evidence fabrication neutralise
निशाना बनाना Examples:
1.Thus his team decided to target such policies.
एसी नीतियों के पारित होने को निशाना बनाना उनके दल का निर्णय था ।

2.Policies to target the same passage of his team was adjudged
एसी नीतियों के पारित होने को निशाना बनाना उनके दल का निर्णय था ।

3.Beyond this rule they were depressed and had to change the party
एसी नीतियों के पारित होने को निशाना बनाना उनके दल का निर्णय था ।

4.The aim of their team was to go against this laborer domit principle.
एसी नीतियों के पारित होने को निशाना बनाना उनके दल का निर्णय था ।

5.If the court is serious about cleaning up Delhi 's environment then let it train its guns on the real criminals : government officials and agencies .
अगर दिल्ली की आबोहवा दुरुस्त करने के लिए अदालत इतनी ही कृतसंकल्प है तो उसे असली अपराधियों यानी सरकारी अधिकारियों और एजेंसियों को अपना निशाना बनाना होगा .

6.Negotiations means talking to Tehran about outstanding issues, rather than trying to punish it with aloofness. Sofaer quotes James Dobbins , a former special U.S. envoy to Afghanistan, as expressing this view: “It is time to apply to Iran the policies which won the Cold War, liberated the Warsaw Pact, and reunited Europe: détente and containment, communication whenever possible, and confrontation whenever necessary. We spoke to Stalin's Russia. We spoke to Mao's China. In both cases, greater mutual exposure changed their system, not ours. It's time to speak to Iran, unconditionally, and comprehensively.” More broadly, along with Chester A. Crocker , another former American diplomat, Sofaer sees diplomacy as “the engine that converts raw energy and tangible power into meaningful political results.” Confronting and negotiating in tandem, Sofaer expects, will put great pressure on Tehran to improve its behavior generally (e.g., regarding terrorism) and possibly lead it to shut down the nuclear program, while leaving available a preemptive strike on the table “if all else fails.” Former secretary of state George P. Shultz, in his foreword to Taking on Iran , calls Sofaer's idea “an alternative that should have been implemented long ago.” Indeed, the time is well overdue to respond to IRGC atrocities with the language of force that Iranian leaders only understand - and which has the additional benefit of possibly avoiding greater hostilities. Jan. 9, 2013 update : Anne Mandelbaum of Washington, D.C. asked me the following question, which I then forwarded to Abraham Sofaer: I'm at a loss to see how any kind of post-Stalin Cold War 'engagement' with Ahmadinijad will save Israel or the region from his genocidally insane - but also serious - plans to eradicate the State of Israel from the map, and with it, all its Jewish citizens.
Confrontation means Washington exploits “the full range of सीधा सामना करने से अर्थ है कि वाशिंगटन ” उन सभी विकल्पों पर विचार करे जिनसे कि आईआरजीसी को रोकने के लिये परमाणु स्थानों पर आक्रमण किया जाये“ । उनका तर्क है कि अमेरिका की सेना को अधिकार है और उन्हें अस्त्र से सम्बंधित ऐसी फैक्ट्रियों और भंडारण स्थल को निशाना बनाना चाहिये जिनका सम्बंध आईआरजीसी से है ( ऐसे आधार, पोर्ट ,ट्रक , विमान और जहाज) और ऐसे शस्त्र जिन्हें कि निर्यात किया जाना है साथ ही आईआरजीसी शाखा को भी।सोयफर का लक्ष्य मात्र आईआरजीसी की हिंसा को रोकना नहीं है वरन, ”आईआरजीसी की विश्वसनीयता और प्रभाव को भी कम करना है और ईरान को इस बात के लिये राजी करना है कि वह अपने परमाणु कार्यक्रम पर बातचीत करे”।

Posted on 08 Nov 2024, this text provides information on Hindi-English related to Words Starting With न in Hindi-English. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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