What is the meaning of सैनिक sentence in Hindi ?

Hindi-English Words Starting With स in Hindi-English . 3 months ago

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सैनिक" sentence in Hindi Examples:
31.This road to the military and civilian first fort was divide into parts of palaces
यही सड़क पहले किले को सैनिक एवं नागरिक महलों के भागों में बांटती थी।

32.This road first intersect the soldiers and citizens palaces of Fort in to sections.
यही सड़क पहले किले को सैनिक एवं नागरिक महलों के भागों में बांटती थी।

33.Nepalese Army Air Service
नेपाली सैनिक विमान सेवा

34.After that in the tenure of Chandra Samsher, Trichand Sainik Hospital is established.
तत्पश्चात चन्द्र समसेर के काल मे स्थापित त्रिचन्द्र सैनिक अस्पताल है ।

35.” Your son went to serve at a distant place , and became a centurion .
“ तुम्हारा सैनिक बेटा नौकरी पर बहुत दूर चला गया था और सौ सैनिकों का सेनापति हो गया था ।

36.After that during the period of chandra shamsher a hospital named Trichandra sainik hospital is established.
तत्पश्चात चन्द्र समसेर के काल मे स्थापित त्रिचन्द्र सैनिक अस्पताल है ।

37.He also arranged for the search of the army officer and the suitcases entrusted to him .
उन्होनें उस सैनिक अफसर तथा उसको सौपे गए सूटकेसों को ढुंढ़वाने का भी इंतजाम करवाया .

38.He had , therefore , to march miles and miles in the company of the brave women soldiers and his personal staff .
सो , सैनिक वीरांगनाओं तथा अपने निजी अमले के साथ उन्हें मीलों पैदल चलना पड़ा .

39.He had , therefore , to march miles and miles in the company of the brave women soldiers and his personal staff .
सो , सैनिक वीरांगनाओं तथा अपने निजी अमले के साथ उन्हें मीलों पैदल चलना पड़ा .

40.It was further reported that Netaji passed away the same night at the military hospital at Taihoku .
रेडियो ने आगे बताया कि नेताजी ने भी उसी रात ताइहोकू सैनिक अस्पताल में अंतिम सांस ली .

Posted on 21 Nov 2024, this text provides information on Hindi-English related to Words Starting With स in Hindi-English. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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