What is the meaning of सह in English ?

Hindi-English Words Starting With स in Hindi-English . 4 months ago

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सह Translation:
• co

• co-
• assistance
• associate
• associate member
• resistant
सह Examples:
1.Former members of Parliament may become associate members .
भूतपूर्व संसद सदस्य इसके सह सदस्य हो बन सकते हैं .

2.And Rick Szeliski at Microsoft Research. A very nice collaboration.
के सह निर्देशन में किया है। एक बहुत अच्छा सहयोग।

3.As the assistant captain of a volunteer fire company.
आग बुझाने वाले समूह के सह कप्तान के रूप में आग से लड़ता हूँ |

4.How long could he keep it up ? And how ?
लेकिन कब तक वह अकेला सह सकेगा ? और कैसे ?

5.When it lands, it absorbs the shock and starts walking.
जब यह नीचे आता है, यह झटके को सह लेता है और चलना शुरू कर देता है |

6.He tolerated no disobedience .
वह अपनी आज्ञा का उल्लंघन नहीं सह सकता था ।

7.That's why I cofounded SOLA,
यही कारण है कि मैं SOLA सह की स्थापना की है,

8.They say, “I can't take it anymore.
वो कहते हैं “कि हम और नहीं सह सकते

9.They can withstand very severe cold weather .
ये कठोर शीत सह सकती हैं .

10.You won't be able to withstand them.
आप उन्हें सह नहीं पाऎंगे.

Posted on 04 Nov 2024, this text provides information on Hindi-English related to Words Starting With स in Hindi-English. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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