What is the meaning of वेद sentence in Hindi ?

Hindi-English Words Starting With व in Hindi-English . 3 months ago

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वेद" sentence in Hindi Examples:
41.Pure Mandhra of vedhas are told in this.
वेद के असल मन्त्र भाग को संहिता कहते हैं ।

42.Writing of the epic “”Mahabharat“” by Ganesha upon hearing the tale from Ved Vyas.
वेद व्यास से सुनकर भगवान गणेश महभारत लिखते हुए

43.The sources of this civilization are Veda and Puran.
इस सभ्यता के स्रोत वेद और पुराण हैं।

44.Gyanamrutam - Thorough information about Veda, Aranyak, Upanishads, etc
ज्ञानामृतम् - वेद अरण्यक उपनिषद् आदि पर सम्यक जानकारी

45.In Present time four(4) Vedas are considered.
वर्तमान काल में वेद चार माने जाते हैं।

46.Vedas are the top and paramount Texts of Hindu religion.
वेद ही हिन्दू धर्म के सर्वोच्च और सर्वोपरि धर्मग्रन्थ हैं ।

47.“”Wade says it, it was recognized world
ऐसा वेद वचन है इसलिए यह जगत्मान्य हुआ।

48.Full information about Vedas,Upanishads and jamruth are available here.
ज्ञानामृतम् - वेद अरण्यक उपनिषद् आदि पर सम्यक जानकारी

49.This culture has its roots in Vedaas & Puraanas.
इस सभ्यता के स्रोत वेद और पुराण हैं।

50.Presently, Vedas are believed to be four.
वर्तमान काल में वेद चार माने जाते हैं।

Posted on 23 Nov 2024, this text provides information on Hindi-English related to Words Starting With व in Hindi-English. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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