Can some body who has gone through a similar situation tell me, what could be the factors behind lay off in such a situation as mine?
What went wrong is that you thought you understand the calculus used to determine layoffs. When you first hear of layoff you should assume that you will directly or indirectly be hurt by them. In a direct way you can lose your job, or see a reduction in pay; in an indirect way you can be forced to change your job or work location.
Everybody hopes that they are safe, but management never tells you exactly what they are trying to achieve. Are they trying to reduce the number of locations or people? Are they trying to reduce the number of people on overhead? Are they reacting to the losses in some part of their business so everybody related to that part is at risk?
How they get to those goals is always a mystery. Sometimes they save or cut people based on what project they are on, other times they cut or save based on specific evaluations. It is possible to be the best person, and underpaid but still be cut; other times an overpaid under-performer will be saved.
Keep in mind in large layoffs there is little you can do to avoid the axe once you are identified by their system. I have seen surprises with every layoff, including people getting notices the day after winning an award for outstanding performance.
Next time be prepared to jump so that if the axe comes you are ready.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I have been laid off, and I am really trying to understand the reasons / reasoning behind it. Below is the context:
After all of this, I realized, that the chances of me getting laid off are close to zero!
I have tried reading various articles available online about the possible reasons for layoffs, and their assumptions are not matching with the context I was in.
And there is absolutely no better than a round / sugar coated answer I am getting from my superior on the reason of layoff.
How can I deal with understanding the reason behind a layoff and capturing unsaid signs / issues that could have been a reason for this?