My company is asking me for information but is not telling why do they need it

Interviews General Queries 2 years ago

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Posted on 16 Aug 2022, this text provides information on General Queries related to Interviews. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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Answers (2)

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago

I've just started working for a very small digital agency. After two weeks there, I've got an email from HR asking me to deliver my updated CV and a list of all projects and courses I've been doing. As this request was a bit ambiguous to me (All projects? All courses? English classes too?) I replied to the email, asking for a bit of clarification. I also asked what they need this info for. I believe I was polite but I got a "We just need it" answer.

I asked around, and my colleagues also got that email but none of them knows what is the reason for it. They just plan to send their info and never even question it. I know it's not very sensitive information but I'd have liked a more detailed answer.

Should I insist on knowing the exact reason, or should I just give up and send the info as requested? Am I making a big deal about it?

Edited: I work in the offices of a client so I don't see my bosses, or HR, in person. Of course, I can go to my agency's offices after work to talk to them. But I don't want to make this look like a big issue.

Solved: All the team got an email today explaining why was the company asking for this info. As I didn't press further, I believe some of my "I don't care" colleagues did actually asked some questions. It turned out it was for a public bid and we've been assured that no personal data will be sent. So thank you all for your feedback!


manpreet 2 years ago

If my suspicions are correct, the HR person you talked and/or emailed with is a low level, low effort person who doesn't really understand why the department wants information about you. They are just getting a check off on a list. Unfortunately, you'll encounter many such people in your career.

Many companies want up-to-date information for all employees as part of standard practice. In this way they can keep a database of who has what expertise. For example, with one former employer, I got an unexpected phone call from another department asking for help on a project using a technology they weren't familiar with, but which I had worked with.

Another reason is that they want to be able to show they have expertise in the relevant areas when competing for new work. If you have expertise from a previous job that your current position doesn't use, they may still want to say they have that expertise in-house as they bid for new work.

Your concern for privacy is understandable. However, this seems to be the same sort of thing you would be sending out in a job search, so it is not likely to cause problems. FWIW, when a company sends out resumes as part of a bid for new work, they usually remove personal addresses and other private contact information.

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