It's a bit late to be going back to them with that information in my opinion. And probably not a great idea to say you needed therapy. You're not obligated to give your full work history anyway. So I reckon you should leave it as is unless asked. Many people have left many jobs for many reasons, the point of a CV is to give a factual account of yourself in the best light. No employer expects a blow by blow of your whole life. And no realistic employer expects to see anything detrimental on a CV. If they want your full work history, they will ask for it.
Best Answer
2 years ago
So I received a formal job offer last week, and I am now going through the href="">background check process to get everything finalized.
I have one job that I left off of my resume that was a six-week stint at a collections law firm. It was a horrifyingly bad position (so bad that I ended up in therapy over it), and I left it off of my resume for good reason since it has absolutely nothing to do with my career path.
When I went to apply for this job, they just had me submit my resume and cover letter, and that was it. I didn't submit any addresses or anything else as far as my employment history. They did, however, put me through five interviews and two personality tests for this position, so I know they are thorough when it comes to their interview process.
For the href="">background and credit check, they just wanted my date of birth and my SSN, and they said their 3rd party href="">background checking company would take it from there. I did find it odd that they still did not want any other information, but I figure their href="">background company is also going to be insanely thorough and might catch this job. The only thing they are not doing is giving me a drug test, which is also odd since practically every other job I have had I have had a drug screen.
Now I am super worried since I have not disclosed this minor stint working at this law firm that it is going to kill this job opportunity. I really want this job, so I would like to do the right thing that will help me secure it.
I know that my criminal href="">background is clean as I have had to undergo two href="">background checks for my current position that I was a contract-to-hire for with a Fortune 500 company. I don't know if their employment href="">background check was as thorough as this one will be, but I did have to submit W-9s, copies of my diploma, etc. for my current job. They never asked me about the temporary law firm stint, and I was hired on. It was also a 3rd party that was doing the employment href="">background check.
Should I call the hiring manager in HR that I have been working with and let them know about this job or should I just let it go and wait for them to ask me about it?