Mobile Technologies Mobile Computing . 1 year ago

Would Firebase be a good choice as a server for the Flutter mobile game I'm creating?

Would Firebase be a good choice as a server for the Flutter mobile game I'm creating?

1 views   1   0 likes   0 shares Tuteehub forum manpreet 1 answers
_x000D_ _x000D_ I am building a turn-based Flutter game. Would Firebase be a good choice as a server for the game? I would like for the players to create logins for their accounts and receive push notifications when it is their turn. Any advice is appreciated. Also, if there is a good beginner tutorial on how this works, that would be super helpful I have read some online information about Firebase, but I am new to this concept and it sounds like it may work, but I am not sure.
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Tuteehub forum answer Answers (1)

manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 1 year ago
_x000D_ Firebase should work fine for your game, as far as I can tell. You can refer to for more information about Firebase, if you need any. There are also several YouTube videos and resources for Firebase beginners.
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