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In troposphere (the weather domain), the temperature ' t ' at height ' h ' above the sea level in metres is given by (where, temperature at sea level is 15°C and t is in °C.)

At a temperature of 0°K, the molecules of a gas have only __________ energy.

Pure aniline is evaporating through a stagnant air film of 1 mm thickness at 300 K and a total pressure of 100 KPa. The vapor pressure of aniline at 300 K is 0.1 KPa. The total molar concentration under these conditions is 40.1 mole/m 3 . The diffusivity of aniline in air is 0.74xl0 -5 m 2 /s.The numerical value of mass transfer co-efficient is 7.4 x 10 -3 . Its units are

If 1 Nm 3 of O 2 contains 'N' number of molecules, then number of molecules in 2Nm 3 of SO 2 will be

What fraction of the total pressure is exerted by oxygen, if equal weights of oxygen and methane are mixed in an empty vessel at 25°C ?

On mixing 56 gm of CaO with 63 gm of HNO 3 , the amount of Ca(NO 3 ) 2 formed is __________ gm.

Air at a temperature of 20°C and 750 mm Hg pressure has a relative humidity of 80%. What is its percentage humidity ? Vapour pressure of water at 20°C is 17.5 mm Hg.

The total number of atoms in 8.5 gm of NH 3 is __________ x 10 23 .

The total number of atoms in 8.5 gm of NH 3 is __________ x 10 23 .

QuestionBank 1 year ago 0 views 0 answers 0 likes 0 shares
Naushad Malik

1m 3 is approximately equal to

1m 3 is approximately equal to

QuestionBank 1 year ago 0 views 1 answers 0 likes 0 shares
AlanjexB AlanjexB

The heats of vaporisation of CS 2 , C 2 H 5 OH &H 2 O are 26.8, 38.6 & 40.6 KJ/kg mole respectively. The order of decreasing inter-molecular forces in these liquids is