What is the meaning of decrease in tamil?

Tamil Meanings Words Starting With D in Tamil Meanings . 6 months ago

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  1. a change downward
  2. a process of becoming smaller or shorter
  3. the amount by which something decreases
  4. the act of decreasing or reducing something
  5. diminishing
  6. lessening
  7. decrease in size, extent, or range
  8. make smaller
  9. grow less or make less
  10. घटती = amount A decrease of 3% in the rate of inflation.
  11. कमी = quantity A decrease of 3% in the rate of inflation.
  12. कमी = reduction Some decrease in the birth rate.
  13. कम होना = ability His ability of listening is decreasing gradually.
  14. घटना = quantity Our sales are decreasing
  15. कम होना = event Student numbers have decreased by five hundred
  16. कम करना = reduce The government has decreased the size of grants.
  17. घटाना = reduce The government has decreased the size of grants.
  18. कम करना = thing The government has decreased the size of grants
  19. Lessening, Drop-off, Decrement, Diminution, Reduction, Step-down, Diminish, Lessen, Fall, Minify, Abatement, Compression, Condensation, Constriction, Contraction, Cutback, Decline, Declining, Depression, Discount, Downturn, Dwindling, Ebb, Falling off, Loss, Shrinkage, Subsidence, Waning, Abate, Calm down, Check, Contract, Crumble, Curb, Curtail, Cut down, Decay, Degenerate, Depreciate, Deteriorate, Devaluate, Die down, Droop, Drop, Drop off, Dry up, Dwindle, Ease, Evaporate, Fade, Fall off, Let up, Lighten, Lower, Modify, Narrow down, Peter out, Quell, Quiet, Reduce, Restrain, Run low, Settle, Shrink, Shrivel, Sink, Slack off, Slacken, Slash, Slow down, Slump, Soften, Subside, Tail off, Wane, Waste, Weaken, Wear away, Wear down, Wither
  20. Increase, Addition, Development, Enlargement, Expansion, Growth, Raise, Add, Develop, Enlarge, Expand, Grow

Posted on 07 Aug 2024, this text provides information on Tamil Meanings related to Words Starting With D in Tamil Meanings. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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