What is the meaning of design in telugu?

Telugu Meanings Words Starting With D in Telugu Meanings . 6 months ago

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  1. the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan)
  2. an arrangement scheme
  3. something intended as a guide for making something else
  4. a decorative or artistic work
  5. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
  6. a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something
  7. the creation of something in the mind
  8. sketch
  9. draft
  10. artful conception
  11. intention
  12. make or work out a plan for
  13. create the design for
  14. create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner
  15. make a design of
  16. plan out in systematic, often graphic form
  17. create designs
  18. conceive or fashion in the mind
  19. invent
  20. intend or have as a purpose
  21. plan
  22. outline
  23. create
  24. conceive
  25. intend
  26. mean to do
  27. डिज़ाइन = drawing Design for a house
  28. योजना = plan We don't know if it was done by accident or by design
  29. आकार = shape Floral design
  30. रुपरेखा = sketch Creat new and original designs
  31. बनावट = structure The machines unique design prevents it from ever overheating
  32. नक़्शा Design for a house
  33. नक्शा बनाना = map Design an office
  34. रूपरेखा तैयार करना = outline They have designed us a superb new studio
  35. प्रारूप बनाना = pattern Design a car
  36. योजना बनाना = plan We need to design a new curriculum for the third year
  37. Accomplish, Achieve, Action, Aim, Angle, Animus, Architecture, Arrange, Arrangement, Block out, Blueprint, Brainchild, Cast, Chart, Child, Comp, Compose, Composition, Conception, Configuration, Conspiracy, Constitution, Construct, Construction, Contemplate, Contrive, Cook up, Create, Deliberation, Delineate, Delineation, Depiction, Describe, Designing, Destine, Device, Devise, Diagram, Doodle, Draft, Draw, Drawing, Dream up, Dummy, Effect, End, Plan, Pattern, Figure, Purpose, Intent, Intention, Invention, Innovation, Excogitation, Project, Form, Formation, Idea, Layout, Makeup, Map, Method, Model, Outline, Paste-up, Perspective, Picture, Scheme, Study, Tracery, Tracing, Treatment, Illustration, Motif, Motive, Organization, Painting, Portrait, Shape, Sketch, Style, Enterprise, Game plan, Gimmick, Goal, Intrigue, Machination, Meaning, Notion, Object, Objective, Pitch, Play, Plot, Point, Proposition, Purport, Recipe, Reflection, Scenario, Scene, Schema, Setup, Story, Target, Thinking, Thought, Trick, Undertaking, View, Volition, Will, Execute, Fashion, Frame, Fulfill, Invent, Lay out, Perform, Produce, Set out, Sketch out, Trace, Work out, Fabricate, Originate, Think up, Make, Mind, Prepare, Propose, Tailor
  38. Disorder, Disorganize

Posted on 27 Jul 2024, this text provides information on Telugu Meanings related to Words Starting With D in Telugu Meanings. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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