What is the meaning of Score in telugu?

Telugu Meanings Words Starting With S in Telugu Meanings . 6 months ago

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  1. a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)
  2. a written form of a musical composition
  3. स्कोर = game a high score.
  4. बीसी = group a score of people.
  5. अंक = marks a score of 120 in the IQ test.
  6. प्राप्तांक = points What's the score now
  7. खरोंच = scratch deep scores on the rock.
  8. बीसी = twenty He lived four score years.
  9. बहुत = very many Scores of people were fainting in the heat.
  10. स्वर लिपि = music, script an orchestra score.
  11. संगीत लेख् = music, written music a stirring score by William Walam.
  12. कारण He tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful.
  13. वजह He tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful.
  14. बनाना = game, event Hughes scored two goals before the half-time.
  15. स्वरलिपि तैयार करना = music, event a piece scored for violin.
  16. प्राप्त करना = achieve The movie scored an instant success.
  17. अंक प्राप्त करना = gain marks She scored 120 in the history test.
  18. स्कोर बनाना = gain points The team has yet to score.
  19. संभोग करना = have sex Did you score with her last night
  20. अंक लिखना = record Who is going to score
  21. खरोंचना = scrape rocks scored by a glacier.
  22. सफलता पाना = succeed She's scored again with her latest hit single.

Posted on 31 Jul 2024, this text provides information on Telugu Meanings related to Words Starting With S in Telugu Meanings. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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