Since you are unemployed, take the offer on the table. A hard offer is better than a wishy-washy maybe. You are obviously not a priority to them.
You can worry about moving up once you have a job, but right now, having employment is better than a definite possibility of a firm maybe.
Best Answer
2 years ago
In October, I had an interview for a data scientist position in France at a large company, where there was exactly one physical interview with the manager and another data scientist. It was a pretty basic interview-with no technical questions asked except going over my CV. The data scientist really liked my profile and told me that I'd be contacted in a few days. When I wasn't, I contacted the inhouserecruiter to which he emailed me that I wasn't selected.
Now in December, the same recruiter called me to tell me that they had an alternate offer for me. I was of course excited to hear more, but after that the several times I contacted the recruiter to discuss it, he postponed it to another date but never called me at the end. E.g. 5 days ago he said he was moving and would call me today, only not to call me.
I've got another offer from a startup, which I don't like much. But I let them (the recruiter, and the manager at this large company who interviewed me) know of the alternate offer, and also told them that if they no longer had the offer, they should tell me that. Still the recruiter is acting not serious at all, and it's getting quite frustrating. I wonder if I'm being played?
I'd also appreciate if you could let me know what my next steps would be under this circumstances.