It''s only been 10 days. Acknowledge the delay in the response and say something like "sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I was focused on prepping over theast few days and wanted to make sure all my ducks were in a row before continuing with this".
For the future I would recommend looking at the cause for your delay in responding to an email. Was it a form of analysis paralysis?
Best Answer
2 years ago
About 10 days ago, I ran into a team leader at a big tech company by chance, and by the end of the conversation he had offered me an interview for a position as a software engineer.
I'm a huge fan of the company and I've worked on projects with them and their software before, and while I'd like to work on some interviewing skills before I start interviewing to make myself a better candidate, I've considered applying to work for them, and likely on that team or a similar one.
Basically, I was offered a potential position from the hiring team manager of a team I'd really like to work for at some point, but I got nervous about putting together the perfect reply and now 10 days have passed since I received his email.
Considering I was hoping to try to basically defer to give myself time to improve on interviewing skills anyway, should I just not reply now that so much time has passed and hope he forgets about me, or should I reply with an apology and risk making it worse by reminding him about an email he might have forgotten about himself? Will it hurt my chances at this company in the future?