How to write a letter of resignation, so soon into the job? Same as any other resignation letter; but it wouldn't hurt to show some understanding that they will be inconvenienced by having to replace you so soon after hiring. Perhaps something like:
Please consider this letter my notice of resignation. I understand that according to my contract I am required to give one week's notice, so my last working day will be (date).
I would like to thank you for the opportunities that have been offered to me during my brief time here. I regret leaving so soon after joining, but it has become clear that this role is not a good fit for me, and I thought it best to move on before any further investment in me was made.
Should you have a job before leaving? Ordinarily, yes. You don't know for how long you will be unemployed, and you are usually both more attractive to employers and in a better position to negotiate terms if you are currently employed.
However, if a job is causing panic attacks, anxiety, nightmares, burning sensations, etc. - then your health is more important than any job. In those circumstances it can make sense to hand in your notice immediately, and begin looking for a new job immediately; as long as you are able to cope with a period of unemployment, of unknown duration (or at least, as long as coping with unemployment will be easier than coping with panic attacks and nightmares).
You may also wish to consult a mental health professional.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I've been working with this small interior design firm (although "contractor" would be more accurate) for a total of 10 days, but I can already tell that I won't enjoy being in this line of work for years, let alone the full 6 month probation period. The few reasons I feel this way are:
travelling from work to home and back takes hours (since I use public transport), and in addition to that I have to travel to the renovation sites that are out of the way and adds to the travel costs [I live in Singapore]
after haphazardly teaching me some pointers on site and how to handle some paperwork, the boss puts a design project on me with a bare understanding of what the project even wants (they considered it a small project so they didn't even provide a 3D template of the final design). The inhouse designers, including the boss, undertake everything from planning to ordering materials to visiting the site when things need clarifying with the workers on site; ultimately the projects they undertake are all one-man shows.
I've had some bad panic attacks since working, the worst happening last night with a burning sensation at the back of my neck from anxiety and nigthmares. It feels as though the base of my skull is cooking my brain and I've never had a bad experience like this with other jobs I've had.
I have been looking through some job listings and have a few saved for me to apply later. Would it be a good idea to hand in my resignation notice and then apply for the job listings after my last day? And how should I pen down the resignation letter without sounding unappreciative, considering that I've only just started working AND that they've already put me in charge of a project with no team? From my contract details, I can give them a week's notice during the probation period.