The unfortunate truth of software development is that moving around is sometimes a necessity. Staying with the same tech stack for a long time can be disadvantageous.
Personally, as a general rule of thumb, I "omit the negative" in an interview. Don't speak in negatives, about the old job, about people, about anything really. You should always be looking forward and appear to have goals.
Something like: "I've always wanted to do B. It's fascinating that some example of you knowing about it through personal exploration. That sort of thing really moves me."
Something like this. In short, enthusiasm. It would be naive to assume anyone's first job is their IDEAL job. But people eventually move toward their ideal. So best not talk about the steps before and talk about the steps ahead.
If I were you, I would switch and then stay at the new job for at least 2-3 years... (closer to three) and that should brake any hint of job hopping.
Best Answer
2 years ago
One year ago I got my first job in IT (in some area A), and so far everything is going well. However, after graduating university, I wanted to work in a different area (let's call it area B), but I accepted this job offer because I didn't want to risk and keep looking for something different. I couldn't afford spending several months searching for a job that I'd really like. I'm still very interested in area B, and I want to start looking for a job there, but I see some potential issues:
P.S. I'm living in the EU, if it matters.