After dissing you on the other site I feel obliged to answer :)
I'm not any professional myself, but I did take a 3D Computer Graphics course in my university and it really helped me understand APIs I ended up using.
Among things I found especially useful:
- Transformation matrices and how they work, not only for object transformations but also for viewing transformation, perspective projection etc. That's probably the most important thing.
- The whole theory behind lightning and shadow, especially useful when you start dabbling into shaders.
- Texture sampling, mipmapping.
- Color theory and blending techniques is also useful.
And I definitely think that these are subjects that can be picked up from just reading a book or two on the subject, as long as you have the mathematical background.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm a software engineer and I'm hoping to move my career towards game development. I'm reading a book right now on 2D using C++/DirectX. When I get into 3D I know I want to do it correctly. For example, I know nothing about 3d space. So if I learn only an API I might know it but I don't know if I can develop an interractive mini 3d world with it. I wouldn't call myself successful just having a rotating crate with the latest shaders etc. My math skills are up to trig/linear algebra and still in college. I know more math is to come. Should I be reading on 3D theory books before picking up on OpenGL/Direct3D, or any other suggestions? I just know an API isn't going to teach 3D game development and don't want to be lost afterward. I'm very book-oriented so that's fine if there's suggestions there too. Thoughts are welcome. Thanks!