Without any other context, what your friend is saying in this conditional sentence is that he doesn't mind studying electronics, the condition that he is imposing is that he can use the books that he wants to use to study as opposed to books which may be prescribed by a course syllabus
As long as is the phrase that introduces the condition and functions as an if.
As long as has the meaning
Studying electronics as long as I could pick out my own books.
Studying electronics only if I could pick out my own books.
Studying electronics provided that I could pick out my own books.
Studying electronics on condition that I could pick out my own books.
In your example, it is not a description of time duration, which might be
as long as the sun shines
The condition for your friend's studying is that he gets to use the books he chooses.
Maybe he thinks the course books are not very good and he knows of better sources
Best Answer
2 years ago
Somebody told me:
but I didn't understand what he means.
I can guess that studying electronics takes too long time. Am I right?