Can I randomly select a Tkinter Checkbutton programmatically?

General Tech Learning Aids/Tools 2 years ago

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago


Disclaimer - Brand new to programming, with Python (3.x) being my choice of language to begin with.

I recently completed a Python course on codeacademy in which I created a mini battleships game. As a learning project I'm developing a GUI using Tkinter and Checkbuttons for the game board so that it can be played outside of the interpreter.

I'm now blocked as I don't know how to have Python randomly select the Checkbutton position for the battleship location - and keep it invisible from the player.

Here's my Tkinter code so far...

from tkinter import *

class gui(object):
    def __init__(self):

        master = Tk()

        w = Label(master, text="Let's play Battleships!")
        w = Label(master, text="Click in a box to try and bomb the 

        self.checkvar1 = IntVar()

        c = Checkbutton(master, variable=self.checkvar1, command=self.cb)

        #Hopefully I can use this to display messages to user as they guess
        w = Label(master, text=" ")

        Button(master, text="I give up!", command=master.quit).pack()


    def cb(self):
        print("variable is", self.checkvar1.get())
        return self.checkvar1.get()

def main():
    g = gui()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Perhaps I should first create my Checkbutton Grid (5 x 5) instead of just trying it with a single Checkbutton (I was attempting to slice up my development into logical problems)?

Here is the original game code (no GUI)...

from random import randint

board = []

for x in range(5):
    board.append(["O"] * 5)

def print_board(board):
    for row in board:
        print(" ".join(row))

print("Let's play Battleship!")

def random_row(board):
    return randint(0, len(board) - 1)

def random_col(board

manpreet 2 years ago

You could always generate all your checkboxes (while storing them in a list when you create them) and then choose an item randomly in the list, store it, and when the user clicks, compare the one he clicked to the one you've stored.

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