You gonna need a huge dataset for such task.
The neural network that you are looking for is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
If you are completely new to CNN, then I recommend you looking at this article.
The article will give you an idea of what is CNN, how it works, what is filter and pooling, etc...
Best Answer
2 years ago
I've been dabbling around with machine learning and tensorflow, and have successfully used a github repo to solve captchas. Now I want go a step further.
I already have a dataset(and its still growing), of images that are labeled 1 or 0, based on if it was approved or not. (Approved=1)
I want to use machine learning, to learn from what was approved and denied, and make a prediction based on new incoming images. My issue is however, that I'm not sure what kind of neural network I would need for this, nor how to research such thing.
If you guys have any references that could aid me in, or if you know, what kind of neural network setup I need to begin this machine learned approval system?