As long as you recognize the differences between the "shortcuts" provided in the ACM code and the standard syntax, I don't think there's any inherent harm in following these lectures. I've heard some decent things about the series, and if your goal is to learn the basics of the language (or fill in gaps in existing knowledge), then I think it's a fine resource.
On the other hand, I have never seen the ACM libraries used outside of an academic setting. Personally I only used them once, on a single project for a single (non-required) class while I was persuing my undergrad degree. If you're already familiar with the language, and know the basic concepts, I'd look for more standard tutorials that don't make use of esoteric or specialized code bases. For the most part, the ACM libraries seem to contain shortcuts and a standardized framework to aid in teaching (and learning) core concepts rather than worrying the exact syntax or any quirks that might be present in the language.
Best Answer
2 years ago
Right now I'm watching the Stanford's channel in youtube, and to be precise I'm watching the Java lectures by Professor Mehran Sahami. I already have some level of theoretical knowledge of Java but I find these lectures very interesting but there's one thing that confuses me and I want to clarify it before going any further.
In the examples there are a lot of differences from what I've seen so far in the books I've read and even in the original documentation of Sun. In these lectures the main method is as it seems
public void run()
insted ofpublic static void main(String[] args)
. For console output he uses onlyprintln()
and I suggest that going more deeply into the Java language there will be even more differencies from what I would call "the standard syntax."From what I understand all this come from using the ACM package and I really don't know if keep watchng this will help me or just gonna confuse me more. Is this ACM package of some practical use? Does it make the Java syntax a lot more different than usual so I could end up with bunch of useless commands? Do you think it would be better to leave these videos for now and come back later when I can get use of the useful information and be more aware of the outdated stuff or the difference is not that big?
Thanks in advance