For a small project like this you can really">use the Spring + Spring BlazeDS Integration and BlazeDS. But I would recomm">end to">use at least some Flex framework on the frontent like Cairngorm3 + Parsley or other simple ones ( not to">end with some cowboy codings there. Another">solution could be GraniteDS which is similar to BlazeDS.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I am new to web technologies. I along with my friends want to develop a web application. There is one guy in our team who knows Flex technology. I would like to use Java Springs framework at the back end. The web application caters to students a Music school. And for the same reason we chose Flex for UI since the application needs to be flashy and rich in graphics. The application allows students to create profiles and interact with the teacher. Eventually we want to add Online Music classes feature with online payment gateway integrated. Kindly guide me which are the suitable technologies to use at the back end. Also let me know if SpringFlex with BlazeDS integration is a good combination with Adobe Flex.