You didn't mention it, but you might also want to consider web technologies (HTML5, Javascript). They are widely supported (by multiple vendors) and well standardized, so it should be a safe bet. It's also quite easy to hire competent people.
Flash is slowly dying so I wouldn't bet on it. Silverlight is basically only backed by Microsoft and its adoption doesn't seem great, so it looks like something Microsoft could decide to kill overnight. Its multi-platform support is also sub-par.
Qt is nice but I'm not sure if it's the best tool for what you want to do. I don't know JavaFX, so I won't comment.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I would like to know what do you guys think in wich is the best technology to do an content display interface (ads, weather, news) for screens.
What I've found is that QT, silverlight and java FX could be an option. Is there a better one? I prefer open-source :) (LGPL is fine too)