From the rulebook (p62):
...the Science skill measures just how knowledgeable the character is when it comes to and all the stuff that makes the universe go around. There’s a little crossover with the Medicine and Technology skills, but if the task requires less repairing people or gadgets, and more contemplating the wild pseudoscience or in-depth theory, then Science is going to be the skill of choice.
Or in other words, Science is science (physics, chemistry, biology, and so on) and Technology is technology (hacking, repairing, and deciphering devices). The Knowledge skill specifically excludes categories covered by other skills (Science, Technology, Medicine, etc), and functions more as a "humanities" skill (history, law, etc).
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm learning the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game by Cubicle 7. I don't have the rulebook yet, but I've watched a few videos and read some reviews, when a question emerged.
As far as I know, the skill list are:
As I see it, pure science is knowledge, and practical science is technology. So what just "science" is in terms of the game? When does GM is supposed to explicitly ask for a Science check, but not Knowledge of science or Technology check?