All ArcPy does is provide hooks in to the normal ArcGIS desktop. Just like desktop once you have a connection it will keep it open until it is explicitly closed by ArcGIS (usually when the associated python windows are closed). As for the drivers it will use the drivers you installed for ArcGIS to connect to your ArcSDE/RDBMS
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm using ArcGIS Server 10.0. I have a geoprocessing using arcpy search, update and insert cursors. I'd like to know more about the technology behind these cursors.
Does it use any driver or pool to connect to the database (I'm using Oracle 11g)?
Does it open a connexion to the DB once at the creation of the cursor and close it when the cursor is deleted? What about transactions?
Does the cursor open a new connexion and transaction to the DB each time a row is updated or inserted?