Use what you know best.
Don't worry too much about technology choices. The technologies you list are "safe" choices in the sense that many successful web apps have been built with them, so you know it can be done. I'd suggest sticking with mainstream technologies for that reason.
Also, don't worry too much about particular techniques and architectures. If your app really takes off, you're going to end up constantly redesigning the internal architecture anyway to keep up with traffic. Just keep it flexible.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I finally decided it was time to write that "killer web app" we all dream about. :-) I've been a programmer for almost as long as I can remember so I'm not scared of technology, but I haven't been active in the web world for about a decade. Looking for some help on the direction I should go.
The app I'm considering: (in order of importance)
I'm thinking of using the following:
Technology: mySQL, PHP, Javascript Deployment: Amazon Cloud Payment: Paypal
Is this the right direction?? (Any tutorial links would be greatly appreciated)