I've never cared what domain the email address has when looking at the resume. If it is from a prestigious school, then they should have that affiliation already written on their resume. The email address itself isn't going to impress, I think.
Same goes for the personalized domain. The exception here is if they bother to look at the site attached to the domain and it is impressive. Again, in this case, it can be listed elsewhere on the resume too, if it is impressive and the applicant has the primary role in the creation of said site.
I personally see mobile email addresses / yahoo accounts / edu and gov accounts / personalized domains as the same, so I wouldn't spend too much time acquiring an email address that looks good, and just list the one that you could respond quickly with. With this said, meta data / signature should still be taken into consideration, and the non-domain part of the email address shouldn't be anything too embarrassing offensive.
Best Answer
2 years ago
This question already has an answer here:
Does the HR prefer an edu email from a prestigious school or a personalized domain which demonstrated some degree of technical skill?