Don't bother filling the form (or avoid being negative if you cfeel you really have to complete it). Don't try to improve the company.
Exit interviews are a waste if time invented by HR because it looks like it should be useful - but they are almost never followed up on and almost never caused a change in any company's policies.
In the end, you're leaving and have nothing to gain from the exit interview, but can lose a potential reference for the future.
Best Answer
2 years ago
We already have some questions which answer how to turn down an exit interview (you don't) and how to say nothing at an exit interview I got a multiple choice to fill out - different topics to rate from 1(very bad) to 4(very good).
While it's obvious that I shouldn't select 1 at all it becomes very hard to generalize that much without hurting anyone.
How was the relation to your bosses?
Now I'm in trouble because I had the best boss ever - and I wouldn't hesitate to mention this. But I totally didn't liked my Boss'es Boss. Giving a good mark would mess up honesty and improvement for the company, also it would annoy me. Giving a bad grade would damage the relation to the company and the boss I liked.
I'm extremely concerned about the exit href="">interview anyway; Not to vent will be hard and from what I know from HR and with this sheet it's going to be nearly impossible. Not because I didn't liked my job. Because I loved it but after a change in the organisational structure the fun vanished, my health reduced and work time increased and all projects took disastrous paths. (we are 3 people in our division, we all got extremely frustrated. My boss will be retiring within ~3 years, my other colleague can't find a new job because of his health condition that requires special gear. They couldn't hold their promises of reducing my work time, they couldn't offer href="">home office. After my doc tried to convince me quitting completely I could agree with my doc to just reduce my work time, he got me a note. The company href="">ignored this (against the law), I was fine with that. But my bosses boss started to rant behind my back that I'm just lazy and try to have a cushy number. At that moment I started looking for a new job)
Mentioning (again) that I quit because of health is not only unnecessary (I mentioned it before I resigned and before I even looked for a new job), still somehow I have the urge to at least let them know that I think it's a no go to href="">ignore your employees health requests, href="">ignore laws and ranting behind their backs.