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Explore Top 10 Forum Discussion in 2025

What is the eligibility criteria and fee structure of XLRI, Jamshedpur for E-MBA?

What is the difference between distance MBA and executive MBA? Is there any e - MBA which has classes on weekends?

I am planning to go with executive MBA as I am a working professional. What's the difference between E-MBA and regular MBA?

I want to take admission in Christ University for E-MBA.

I want to take admission in Christ University for E-MBA.

Career Talk 2 years ago 0 views 2 answers 0 likes 0 shares

Can you suggest some good colleges for E-MBA? I want to switch to management field.

Which is a better option among pursuing distance MBA from a good and recognised college & pursuing E-MBA from a good college (top 30)?

Can you suggest the best business schools for pursuing E-MBA?

Can you suggest the best business schools for pursuing E-MBA?

Career Talk 2 years ago 0 views 1 answers 0 likes 0 shares

Which would be better among E-MBA regular or E-MBA distance while working?

I'm a professional with 12 years exp. Can you suggest the best colleges for E-MBA (part-time) in India and abroad?

I am looking forward to do E-MBA from ITM Institute, Mumbai. Can you suggest some information about this institute?