What are best reference book for class 10?

Course Queries Competitions/Entrance Exams 2 years ago

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago

What are best reference book for class 10?


manpreet 2 years ago


These are most important Books for classes 10th.


Study from NCERT-text books” and “NCERT-Exemplars first, never ever neglect.

Additionally study from other nce">reference books mentioned here.

Best Reference Books

For Science:

1. Textbooks by Arya Publishing Company

2. Textbooks by Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur published by S Chand. There are separate books for physics, chemistry and biology.


Physics: Pradeep & S Chand

Chemistry: S Chand

Biology: Ratna sagar


Physics: Pradeep, contains extra information to higher standards and competitive exams.

Chemistry: Evergreen 100% success Sample papers.

Biology: Dinesh publications super-simplified science, refer only for Biology

Arihant: Try this for revision and practice only.

Bharti Bhawan Publication book is better if you don't like biology that much.

For Math:

1. Secondary Mathematics by Arya Publishing Company

2. Mathematics by R.D.Sharma is the best choice as it provides a platform between the basic NCERT concepts and the few HOTS as asked in competitive exams.

3. But in case you find RD Sharma difficult try among these (PK.Garg/Arihant/RS.Agarwal).

Evergreen 100% success sample papers.

For Social Science:

1. Oswaal's books.

2. Kundra n Bawa a help-book of Bharti bhawan publication is having good theory.

3. JPH Publication, FULL MARKS, Evergreen 100% success sample papers.

For English: Golden Guide (Lakshmi Publications), Together With or Evergreen.

For Computer: Arihant all in one

Hindi: Hindi.

Sanskrit – Together With

Sample papers:

U-like Publisher is sufficient for a student for getting more than 90% marks in CBSE examination.

‘Exam idea’ and ‘Together with’ books are useful for all subjects.

Guide books: JPH Publication, MBD Super Refresher.

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manpreet 2 years ago


For English and Hindi I would recommend Arihant all in one.


For social science, Xam idea. Covers good details.

For maths, Xam idea. Rd Sharma seemed too intimidating to me.

For science I would recommend the book Pradeep. Best science book ever. Especially for physics and biology.

These were the books I used last year in my boards and scored 9.2 cgpa.

Before using these books I would recommend that you read from NCERT textbooks first because NCERT is given preference in boards. That's where all the questions will be from.

Then, solve the NCERT questions. Then touch these reference books for additional questions and practise.

After the preparation, start solving question papers. You can buy sample question papers. I would say you go for Arihant sample questions for each subject. Or you could download sample questions paper from CBSE site with solutions. This would help you understand what and how you need to write.

Tip: while you will writing answers in exam, do highlight the key points or terms. Getting what I mean? I mean make it easy for the examiner. Try keeping your handwriting good and your work neat with minimum cuttings. But do have time management during exam. Don't leave any question. Whether you know it or not, attempt. And while doing the paper, attempt the questions you know very well. Correct answers will form good impression in the examiner because remember he doesn't know who you are. Understand what the question demands. Don't waste time in writing unnecessary details.

And Remember whatever you write in these march papers will determine your cgpa so no matter if you didn't perform that well in some subject in 1st term. Your cgpa depends on your this exam.

I wrote a bit extra didn't I? Lol

Good luck!

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manpreet 2 years ago


There are no best books for any level in education , it is just you who can make the best efforts to learn the best out of the books you have .


But ya , you can say that , NCERT books don't provide much knowledge to it's readers and that's applicable also . You can not expect a single book to satisfy all types of learners , classified as THE TOPPERS , THE GOOD DO-ERS , THE AVERAGE ONES , THE PASSING MARKS ACHIEVERS AND THE FAILURES .

So , here it is , the list of all the preferred books to gain much more knowledge about your interesting subjects as well as for the most irritating subjects as well ( According to my personal experience and that of many other QUORArians ):-


For maths , you may first seek out to complete NCERT syllabus and then go for RD SHARMA or RS AGARWAL , anyone you feel like . You can even go for Reliable to find a more different variety of questions . But to cover up all of them , you have to be slow but steady from the beginning of the session . You cannot start finding questions from these books at the end of the session .

Use any of the sample papers available in the market , as long as there is a variety of questions . As all you need in this subject is revision.

An advice for all is that , always attempt the paper in backwards direction , i.e. first 4 markers , 3 markers , 2 markers and then 1 markers .

THE TWO LANGUAGES i.e. English And Hindi

I am classifying both of them under one category as there is not much you can do differently in them.

An important advice for all is that don't focus all of the session in doing the literature part . It is very easy to do and even if you read the book 2–3 times and memorise the summary properly , just before the exam you can score almost full marks in literature part .

In English , the literature costs only 20 marks ( except the novel for 10 marks ) , and leaves behind a massive 50 marks portion of grammar and writing part .

In Hindi , the literature again costs 30 marks with 50marks of grammar and writing part .

For the part of reference books for English , you can use BBC literature for revision and seeing a variety of questions and also to pick one liners from the answers . Also , Full Marks has brought a SUPER 20 category of sample papers , which you can use for extra revision.

For Hindi , use XAM IDEA for finding out good questions and use Together With Class 10 Hindi sample papers for revision .


For science , completion of NCERT is necessary along with the back questions , as most of them are asked in the exam .

Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur 's books for Physics And Chemistry are perfect to act as reference books .

You can use Together with for Biology as it contains a large variety of questions , and I like it for my experience .

For science , I specially didn't use any sample papers , because all you can do is go through the syllabus .

Social Science

Most of the students consider this subject as a freaking and frightening ghost , which has just come to kick their ass in their life . This category included me also , until half of the session .

Then I realized that there is no use and time for fearing from this subject , as this is the last year dude . After that , I can choose my favorite subjects . So , just to complete this year , I should study it .

Wait , I got a little distracted . Where was I ……

Ya , so you don't need any reference books for this subject . Just stick to NCERT and what your teacher teaches you . If you are a dumbass at this subject , use Evergreen book . By this , I mean just learn it by heart . Most of the questions will be changed a little in the exam , but the answers that you'll have to give will be the same .

You can use Full Marks' SUPER 20 sample papers for revision .

So , that's it from my part .

I hope my answer satisfies you all , and if yes then please hit that upvote button .

Happy Learning !!!

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manpreet 2 years ago


Hello friend,


The books which I feel are best and recommend for class 10 term-2 are as follows-

  • Science- Together with. Also, Xam Idea is good. There are good and high order thinking skills questions in both the books. If you face problems with particular subject in science (physics, biology, chemistry) then Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur books are best!
  • Maths- R.S Aggarwal and R.D Sharma books. New editions of Dr. V.K Soni are also helpful.
  • English- U-like book is best!
  • S.ST- U-like is good but I prefer Xam Idea. Xam idea has more simplified and easy to understand answers as compared to U-like.
  • Hindi/Sanskrit/French/or any other language- U-like are helpful. But, most of the times, books suggested by teachers are much more helpful.

And yes, don’t forget to do NCERTs as well!

Hope it helps :)

Thank you for reading!

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manpreet 2 years ago


Each subject plays an important role in Class 10. Well, to help you, we have not only come up with effective reference books for CBSE class 10 board exam . There are also question papers given in the same link above, do practice them for your better preparation. Follow these tips on each subject to help you study better.


Subject Wise Tips


Organizing is the key to success. Organize your study and get a good grip on the fundamental concepts of physics. This can be the key to ace the exam.


Chemistry is a high scoring subject. But, this doesn’t mean it is easy. It requires concentration and dedication. Make sure that you really understood the whole concept of a chapter before you proceed to the next one.


The toughest part of studying biology is remembering the different terms in respect to their functions. Therefore, you need to make yourself familiarize with these terms by practicing them again and again.

Study Well, Good luck!

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