Digital Marketing Facebook Marketing API . 1 year ago

Facebook Marketing API : Get results and cost per result of a Campaign

Facebook Marketing API : Get results and cost per result of a Campaign

0 views   1   0 likes   0 shares Tuteehub forum manpreet 1 answers
_x000D_ _x000D_ I'm creating an application (using Facebook Business Java SDK) that can get all infomation of campaigns own by an Ad Account. Almost of my campaigns have same objective is APP_INSTALLS. I want to know how many time my app was installed, so I tried to request infomation like "Results" column and "Cost per Result" column in Adsmanager board : Adsmanager colums But when I added "results" and "cost_per_result" to APIRequestGetInsights's request fields, I got a FailRequestException : "{"error":{"message":"(#100) results, cost_per_result are not valid for fields param. please check for all valid values","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"DnPCKyIGIqs"}}" I used an user access token with permissions below : - read_insights - manage_pages - pages_show_list - publish_pages - ads_management - ads_read - business_management I searched on google many times but nothing is useful. So someone here please tell me how to get "Results" and "Cost per Result" info of a campaign by Facebook api?
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Tuteehub forum answer Answers (1)

manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 1 year ago
_x000D_ As said in the comment, this information used to be available in the field cost_per_action_type, you could retrieve the value in the item where ad['action_type'] == 'mobile_app_install'. Unfortunately this is not longer available in 3.2, but you can calculate this value yourself: Make the query including the actions and spend fields. You'll find the total number of installs (in the item with the action_type == 'mobile_app_install'), then you can calculate the cost per install with cost_per_install = spend / install_count.
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