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What exactly is meant by “partial function” in functional programming?

What exactly is meant by “partial function” in functional programming?

0 views   1   0 likes   0 shares Tuteehub forum manpreet 1 answers
_x000D_ _x000D_ According to my understanding, partial functions are functions that we get by passing fewer parameters to a function than expected. For example, if this were directly valid in Python: >>> def add(x,y): ... return x+y ... >>> new_function = add(1) >>> new_function(2) 3 In the snippet above, new_function is a partial function. However, according to the Haskell Wiki, the definition of partial function is A partial function is a function that is not defined for all possible arguments of the specified type. so, my question is: what exactly is meant by "partial function"?
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Tuteehub forum answer Answers (1)

manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 1 year ago
_x000D_ A partial function is a function that is not defined for all possible arguments of the specified type. What is very unclear to me in this definition is the part: is a function that is not defined A better description of a partial function (IMO) will be: A partial function is a function calling another existing function with one or more paramaters - of that existing function - predefined. And then the example to go with it: from functools import partial def multiply(x,y): #<< existing function return x * y dbl = partial(multiply,2) . #<< new function with `predefined` parameter(s) print(dbl(4)) A good place to learn more about this partial functions:
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