General Tech Technology & Software . 1 year ago

Are we currently, with todays technology, able to stick molecules together?

Are we currently, with todays technology, able to stick molecules together?

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Tuteehub forum answer Answers (1)

manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 1 year ago

I was wondering if we, with todays technology, are able to bind molecules together in the lab in specific ways. Meaning, are we able to, lets say, stick iron molecules together to form a microscopic piece of pure iron?

I started thinking about this while looking at carbon nanotubes which are formed in their specific tube structure and if we could do this with other materials we could create some insanely perfect things.

When looking on google i get a whole lot of star trek fiction about the replicator. But in fact molecular manufacturing seems to be a real study and i'm wondering if we are able to do the basic thing in a lab

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